how to become a fitness model ?

So, you want to be a fitness model?

Apparently, you are not alone. According to recent Google data on what the world is looking for on the Internet, there is great interest in becoming a fitness model. As you know, as for those people who have made their body weight and have no pull-ups look very easy. From the outside, this action does not seem harsh, especially if you are already in fitness. But we decided to talk to some real fitness models to see what it was like to work in the industry. You may be surprised how hard work goes to it.

How to be discovered
The first thing you must do to work as a model of physical condition (like any other model) is to discover it. While some models go directly to open calls or contact modeling agents, the two fitness models we spoke with had much less traditional paths to start their careers. Alex Silver-Fagan, NYC coach, yoga teacher and fitness model Wilhelmina, was discovered while training for a bikini contest. "At the end of my last year of college, I started preparing for a bikini contest, which is a bodybuilding show," he told us. "I have been training and dieting very intensely for three months, part of this process usually includes a photo session, to create images and memories of what your body looks like, slim and squashed." In short, after photographing Alex, the photographer with whom she worked insisted that she send her photos to an agent in New York. "The rest is history," she says. "In addition to studying to be a coach and group fitness instructor, I started making photo shoots to develop my portfolio and eventually started booking work." (You've already seen her modeling workouts like this in Shape's pages!) But she did not do it right away."I spent a year with a smaller agency before Wilhelmina finally offered to sign me in. What people do not know is that sometimes you have to start small and work a lot, before being recognized by some of the top name agencies. big".

Then, they see the hair and makeup. "Every session starts with hair and makeup, which still seems like a treat and a good way to unpack the hustle and bustle of transportation when it comes to it," explains Suzanne. "At some point, the creative director or coach stops to guide you on the day's shot list, then you will visit the closet, put on another make-up for hair and makeup, and stand in front of a camera."

Now, the real work begins. "As a fitness model, most of the time 'shooting' involves some type of exercise and, in general, it's quite physically exhausting," says Alex. Suzanne agrees and says: "I recently filmed a campaign for the new Technogym ladder and I must have traveled two long flights of stairs, at full speed, no less than 50 times, all for a five-second clip in the commercial! " Yes, they are many stairs. "The final product had a total duration of two minutes to give you an idea of how much work it takes, I could not walk normally for days." Oh

The challenges of being a fitness model
In addition to the physical challenges faced by fitness models, there are some other obstacles they face constantly. number one? Always have a ready-made camera. "Obviously I'll stay all year round, regardless of whether I'm a model or not, because I'm a coach, I like fitness, I also like physical therapy very well," says Alex. However, there is "basically just a constant pressure to get absolute value and it always looks in a certain way." In addition, comparing with others in castings based on your physical attributes takes some getting used to. "Sometimes it's not just a job, it's just a job, it's a part of your whole life," she says. Moreover, trust is the key, even when you know that judgment is on you. "There are a lot more things that need to be modeled than beautiful in front of the camera, and I did not fully appreciate this in the industry," Susan says. If you do not step in front of that camera, do not just tell yourself, but in fact, you think you are Sasha Verses, you will appear, you will not get a job. "

In addition to the wonderful appearance, you must be able to perform at a materially high level. "People do not understand that most fitness models are used because we can do a lot of physical exercise and endurance," Alex explains. Not only are fitness models looking stronger than regular models, they are in fact. "We're going to be able to make the 20 payments necessary to get the perfect shot or jogging around your group for just about a mile to get the perfect picture, not just getting the absolute value, but also the fitness and the ability to move well."

Another difficult side? You are always in demand. Susan notes: "The nature of the industry at the last minute may be very difficult." "I rarely know my schedule in advance, which may make it difficult to make commitments in my personal life." There is often a notice on the same day of castings and sometimes a one-day notice for job bookings. "Then there's the fact that you're a model, you're basically a freelancer." Until you get into a while, the salary is not fixed, "Susan says." Sometimes you kill them and sometimes you will be cockroaches. "Fortunately, the wine-selling consulting firm keeps me very busy, making it easy to take slow periods in a step." "Side congestion seems to be essential in this type of business.

The advantages of being a fitness model
Although it is hard work, the doors that can be opened by fitness models are undeniable. "My fitness models showed me a lot of amazing people who work behind the scenes in the fitness industry, so they got more jobs as well as" contributing "jobs as a coach. One of the coolest things for me is the ability to provide fitness content, whether it's tips or even exercise, and then the ability to design it myself. [For example, the 30-day challenge!] I hope that modeling will continue to help me connect with more people and describe myself as a coach first, and a second model. "Susan notes that although she is not sure how this happens, modeling has contributed to her career as a wine expert, says she has more opportunities than ever before, and may even venture into other forms of media, such as television.
Tip down the line if you want to become a fitness model
If you have reached this limit and still want to be a fitness model, here is the advice our girls receive: "Take care of your bodies and try to bear in mind that although your job is to look in a certain way, Alex says:" Fitness is not generally. "Keep your movement happy." If you're trying to sign in to an agency, contact your local photographers and start creating your portfolio. "You have to have some kind of baseline before an agent takes you in. It's also good to have experience behind the camera and know how it looks like you're moving to get a picture and work with different photographers."

More than anything else, Susan says you need to "just get out of your own way and do it." Start your wallet Go to an open call or send your photos to an agency Send those emails You're already good enough, nice enough, Toned enough, long enough - you already have everything, I really think that the fitness industry is trying to become more representative of all kinds of bodies these days. "Do not be afraid of rejection as well. It's just part of the deal. "Nobody saves everything," she says. "If you leave" no "you are stopped before you are in the door, how can you expect to make it a model?"

And the last thing: "Find a friend with a camera and go shoot together ... practice ... ... over and over and over again ... those glamazons that look fantastic no matter what they are doing and not the talented whims of the nature that woke up perfect. He really knows what the corners and good angles are in his body and is not ashamed to work. "You have to practice to get to that level, like anything else.

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